Monday, March 5, 2012

My March Madness

OK- it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I would like to say that I have lost a ton more weight, but sadly I have been stuck at the 16-19 lb weight loss.

I have been eating the same foods, the same calories. But for some reason I have hit a plateau. Or at least that is the excuse I am using... yes a crutch on my weight loss. It is all the plateau. Sitting here and looking at myself, at what I have done, what I have eaten.... I realize that I use excuses when I want to justify my weight, when the simple truth is if I end up in a Calorie deficit everyday I would lose weight... anyone would. It is a simple fact of calories burned versus the calories consumed. The excuses are what have caused me to be in this situation.

I look at Carisa over the last month (she has been doing this with me and sticking to it wonderfully). She now has lost 11 pounds in the same time frame as my journey. That is so Great! She is now as light as she was in high school. I am beyond words proud of her. Seeing her progress has re-motivated me to do better.

My Gatlinburg trip this weekend. I have to Thank everyone who was there with me. Everyone was super supportive and didn't judge me when I was trying to figure out calories, or what to order. All the riding made a calorie deficit easier than I thought. Looking at the trip there now - I have no idea how anyone could go there just for vacation and not gain weight (choices are everything). All those restaurants are loaded with calories... eating out is just bad. Thank you Champion City Cycling - I made the trip with no weight gain. I am within a pound of where I left.

I have to say that I need to be strong when making my food choices. It is easy to splurge on one meal... but that one meal will take more than one day to offset it. Over my last 2 weeks little times of weakness have turned into a 2 week long period of no weight loss. Basically nullifying all the work I have done. It is not worth it. The thing I will tell myself is now... is that doughnut worth it... IF, that is a BIG IF, that doughnut is only 450 calories (and if it is a Schuler's it is going to be WAY higher than that) - the 3 minutes that it takes to eat it - it will take 45 minutes of running to burn off that one doughnut.... just to break even.


  1. You are going great! Youand I are are very lucky to have Carisa in our lives! She is inspiring and motivating! Your attitude coming back from spring training is beyond getting me motivated to get my butt back kn my bike! THANK YOU!

  2. Great job Fred keep it up. Nice post too.
